
We are involved in several national and international research projects.

Fit4MedRob: Fit for Medical Robotics - 44 mesi per rivoluzionare i modelli assistivi e riabilitativi

UniGe is taking part in the FIT4MEDROB project ‘Fit for Medical Robotics: A new generation of biorobotic and digital technologies for a sustainable welfare’, one of the four projects recently approved in the NRRP call dedicated to health technologies and in this specific case to technologies for biorobotics, rehabilitation robotics and digital technologies. The project's main aim is to bring the results of robotic research and artificial intelligence into the everyday use of the Italian healthcare system. Research in Italy on prosthetic robotics is of great international importance. The project was created to respond to the need to disseminate robotic solutions for both physical and cognitive prosthetics and rehabilitation. The project is divided into three spokes: the first on health and neuroscience research, the second on robotics, and the third on the new digital technologies of the future including artificial intelligence, new sensors and new materials. 

Manuela Chessa is Activity Leader for Activity 7: Digital Infrastructure, Environments and Services. Activity 7 is responsible for creating and coordinating the digital infrastructure of the project, supporting the experimental validation, by providing state-of-the-art and innovative solutions for interoperability, data acquisition, sharing, and storage. Activity 7 is also responsible for creating and integrating into robotics setup digital immersive environments based on VR and Ar to enrich and support the rehabilitation interventions.

PRIN2022: BRAVE – Biofeedback-based peRsonAlised Virtual-reality Exposure therapies for anxiety disorders

Principal Investigators: Prof. Alberto Greco - University of Pisa, and Prof. Manuela Chessa

Project Interreg Alcotra INTEVIDI, using digital media for the assessment and rehabilitation of social interactions, 2023-2026. 

Scientific responsible for UNIGE: Prof. Fabio Solari


  • Project Giovani - Scientific responsible for UNIGE: Prof. Fabio Solari
  • Project Donne -  Scientific responsible for UNIGE:  Prof.ssa Manuela Chessa
  • Project Anziani - Scientific responsible for UNIGE: Prof. Fabio Solari
  • We-Pro Project Prossimità -  Scientific responsible for UNIGE:  Prof.ssa Manuela Chessa


  • Progetto Leadership tecnologica – Consulenza ergonomia “Virtual Ship”. CETENA S.p.A. & IBR Sistemi s.r.l.
  • VRead Project (UCA- Jedi Pre-Maturation) [link]
  • PAR-FAS 2007-2013  “ARIANNA” (regione Liguria) 
  • UE FP7-ICT “EYESHOTS” (Heterogeneous 3-D Perception Across Visual Fragments), coordinated by Dr. Silvio P. Sabatini.
  • UE FP7-ICT “SEARISE” (Attending and Recognizing Instances of Salient Events), coordinated by Dr. Marina Kolesnik.
  • PRIN 2008 (Modelli bio-ispirati per il controllo dei movimenti oculari nella visione attiva e l’esplorazione 3D) coordinated by Prof. G. Cannata.
  • UE FP6-FET “DRIVSCO” (Learning to Emulate Perception-action Cycles in a Driving School Scenario), coordinated by Prof. Florentin Woergoetter.
  • UE FP6-NEST-Adventure “MCCOOP” (Multichannel Cooperativity in Visual Processing), coordinated by Dr. Marina Kolesnik.